On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 02:17:58PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Eric Arnold wrote:
> > I haven't been idle on this.  I was unable to get my test case working
> > for a simple but un-obvious reason.  It requires that at least one
> > other window be open.
> > 
> > Run the following, and open two windows.  Edit a file in one.  Open a
> > new line, which I assume triggers the tabline to trigger as the buffer
> > becomes modified.  Then as you move the cursor around, you should see
> > the "Tst#" prompt incrementing with each keystroke.

> I don't see the problem.

     I can reproduce this.  As Eric says, it is a little tricky.  I
wrote the following to test.vim:

let s:counter = 0
function! Tst()
        call Tst_set_hl()
        let s:counter += 1
        echo 'Tst#'.s:counter
        return 'A test string'

set tabline=%!Tst()

if &showtabline < 1
        set showtabline=1       " 2=always

function! Tst_set_hl()
        hi! Tst_hl term=bold

     Then I started vim with

$ vim -u test.vim --noplugin test.vim

(almost as good as -u NONE, right?)  It seems that the problem comes up
(sometimes) when there are two tabs and two windows in one of them:


Now, starting from Normal mode, I open a new line and type some


The message shows up, and the number increases by 2 each time I add a

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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