Hi Yakov,

Thank you for taking your time to verify this issue.  See below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yakov Lerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 1:41 PM


> > So I guess the help for 'vimgrep' is wrong and the buffers are not
> > kept loaded -- vim just remembers there file names.
> I made small experiment that shows that help for 'hide vimgrep'
> is correct.
> I created 60MB size file x so that opening time
> is very noticeable. After ':hide vimgrep blablabla x', command
> ':e x' works immediately. Without ':hide vimgrep someting x',
> ':e x' takes noticeable time.
> It follows that help for 'hide vimgrep' is correct. It is help for
> unlisted-buffers that needs clarification.

I am afraid that the difference you see is due to the fact that
after 'vimgrep' the file is in the disk cache.  Did you compare
':hide vimgrep ...' to ':vimgrep ...' ?  I did and in both cases
'Mem Usage' in Windows Task Manager goes up while vimgrep
is active and then goes down again.  The only difference I see
is that in the first case the matched files are in the hidden and
unlisted buffers and in the second case they are just unlisted.

I think Bram can easily clarify this for us if he has time.


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