On 5/3/06, Hugo Ahlenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have vim 6.4 (non cygwin) installed on a couple of Win2k3 servers, running
the built in MS telnet server.

When I connect using the built-in WinXP/Win2k telnet client I am able to get
color in vim console sessions without any problems, and everything seems to
be working very well.

Except for one (minor) annoyance -- every time I press enter in insert mode
I get two line-fees (as if it was pressed twice). This also happens when I
start up vim without my _vimrc customizations. It does not happen, though,
if I open a remote desktop console to the server and run vim in that

I'd love to compare and test if this appears in putty (to identy if it is
the telnet client that is the problem), but I can't get vim to run through a
putty session... :(

Any tips?

Can be caused by some options of telnet client, especially
option 'crlf'.  Try to toggle the option to see it if makes difference:

   telnet  HOST
   ^]                  Press Ctrl-] to client command mode
    unset crlf
   <Enter>                  Press Enter

More info at 'man telnet'


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