On 2006-05-04, Jack Donohue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > :v (and :g) made my day..!
> Yes, I use this a lot if I just want to filter out a set of lines, or see 
> only lines containing some text (like the old XEDIT command).  But what I'd 
> really like to to is continue editing in this view and not lose all the 
> hidden lines, more like folding.  I expect folding can do this, but I've 
> never gotten it to work and it seems pretty cumbersome.  I'm looking for a 
> simple solution involving maybe a couple of command I can make a map for.
> I guess I'm looking for a g or v command that folds the lines instead of 
> actually deleting them.

The basic technique of using folding for this is this:

    set foldmethod=expr
    set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'text to be folded'

To close all the folds, you can

    set foldlevel=0

but I usually use zM to close all folds and zR to open all folds.

You could wrap that in a mapping and maybe a function to make it 
easier to use.  I usually type it out once, then use the command 
line history and editing features to modify the pattern as needed.


    :help fold-expr


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Wireless Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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