[David Woodfall]

Just wondered if there was changelog mode for vim as emacs has?

I use it all the time! Not exactly like Emacs', but very usable nevertheless. :-)

To get it going, I added a file ~/.vim/plugin/changelog.vim with:

runtime! ftplugin/changelog.vim
let g:changelog_username = 'François Pinard  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

The first line has the effect of installing the ,o binding, and ,o allows you to initialize a new ChangeLog entry. The second line is
personal customisation.  I also have customisation within files:


For the first of these two (in case you ever make one as well for you own habits), I needed the following lines at start:

if &filetype != 'changelog'

so to the rest be inhibited when the "runtime!" line above is run.

François Pinard   http://pinard.progiciels-bpi.ca

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