On Fri, 5 May 2006, Vim Visual wrote:

Again thanks a lot... it's working fine, but today I found out that
some blocks are repeated!!

The blocks have to be EXACTLY the same. It seems that your last block
has one less "^<br>$". You may be off by one line.

This script is meant to filter the information of a web page, and it's
run once every 24 hours

Can you have a look at the beginning of my file, Gerald? I think it's
correct and still I am getting the last block of today repeated (in

:!links -dump http://lanl.arxiv.org/list/astro-ph/new > /tmp/arXiV_1.txt
:e /tmp/arXiV_1.txt
:%s/\[abs, ps, pdf, other\] ://g
:%s/\[abs, pdf\] ://g
:let @a=''
:put a
:%s!^\s*astro-ph/\(\d\+\)!<a href="http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/astro-ph/\1";>&</a>
:%s/<a/ <a/g
:1s/<br>/<!-- comenca -->/

:s/<br>/<!-- acaba -->/

Instead of the above 2 lines, do this instead

  :$put='<!-- acaba -->'

:g/xxx\.lanl\.gov\|<!-- acaba -->/put!='#end#'
:w! /tmp/arXiV_2.txt


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