>> On 5/5/06, Suresh Govindachar wrote:
  >>> I would like to color a file as follows:
  >>> Everything is "normal" except for lines whose
  >>> foldlevel is different from the foldlevel of both
  >>> the line above and the line below.  For such lines,
  >>> the color should be Color_N where N is
  >>> (foldlevel/2)%7 (wherein Color_0 could be red,
  >>> Color_1 could be blue etc.).

I don't understand.  This would mark only folds of a single line, i.e.

   {{{ stuff }}}

(assuming foldmethod=marker) which is the only case where

   (foldlevel(i) != foldlevel(i-1)) && (foldlevel(i) != foldlevel(i+1))

I'm also wondering if you meant to change the color only every other
fold level (i.e. color is (foldlevel/2)%7 (7 is the number of colors

As to folding readonly files, it would be possible to create a syntax
based on the line numbers of the folded lines (i.e. with \%l ), though
it might be slow for large files (hard to say how many syntax lines
with \%l will perform).

Anyway, here is a snippet which will highlight folded lines based
simply on foldlevel():

                for level in range( 0, 9 )
                        exec 'syn clear level' . level
                        exec 'hi clear level' . level

                let last_level = 0
                let start_syn = ''
                for linenr in range( 1, line("$") )
                        let level = foldlevel( linenr )
                        if level != last_level
                                if start_syn != ''
                                        exec start_syn
                                                                \ . '\%' . ( 
linenr - 1 ) . 'l.*'
                                                                \ . '/'
                                        if level > 0
                                                let start_syn = 'syn match 
level' . ( level % 10 ). ' /'
                                                                        \ . 
'\%' . linenr . 'l\_.*'
                                                let start_syn = ''
                        let last_level = level

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