On 5/7/06, Bill Pursell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yakov Lerner wrote:
> On 5/6/06, Bill Pursell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yakov Lerner wrote:
>> > On 5/4/06, Jack Donohue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >> > :v (and :g) made my day..!
>> >>
>> >> Yes, I use this a lot if I just want to filter out a set of lines,
>> or see
>> >> only lines containing some text (like the old XEDIT command).  But
>> >> what I'd
>> >> really like to to is continue editing in this view and not lose all
>> the
>> >> hidden lines, more like folding.  I expect folding can do this, but
>> I've
>> >> never gotten it to work and it seems pretty cumbersome.  I'm looking
>> >> for a
>> >> simple solution involving maybe a couple of command I can make a
>> map for.
>> >>
>> >> I guess I'm looking for a g or v command that folds the lines
>> instead of
>> >> actually deleting them.
>> >
>> >
>> > I guess the mappings below are simple enough. If you prefer
>> > to keep it to just couple of lines, you can remove mapping for <F5>
>> > and whole function TogglePatternBasedFolding(). What remains is
>> > just 3 lines (maps for f2, f3, and f3). But I find tri-state toggle
>> > (f5) also useful.
>> >
>> > " Simple pattern-based folding.
>> > " How to use: (1) perform searh (so that vim remebers search pattern),
>> > "           (2) press f2, f3 f4, or press f5 repeatedly.
>> > "
>> > " F2 - fold lines that match current-search-pattern (cf :v//p)
>> > " F3 - fold lines that do not match current-search-pattern (cf :g//p)
>> > " F4 - open all folds
>> > " F5 - tri-state toggle between f2-f3-f4
>> >
>> > map <silent><F2> :set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~@/ foldmethod=expr
>> > foldenable<cr>zM
>> > map <silent><F3> :set foldexpr=!(getline(v:lnum)=~@/) foldmethod=expr
>> > foldenable<cr>zM
>> > map <silent><f4> :set nofoldenable<cr>
>> > map <silent><f5> :call TogglePatternBasedFolding()<cr>
>> >
>> > function! TogglePatternBasedFolding()
>> >    if &foldenable && &foldmethod=='expr' && &foldexpr[0] == '!'
>> >        :set nofoldenable | redraw | echo "all folds opened"
>> >    elseif &foldenable && &foldmethod=='expr' && &foldexpr[0] == 'g'
>> >        :set foldexpr=!(getline(v:lnum)=~@/) foldmethod=expr foldenable
>> >        normal zM
>> >        redraw | echo "lines not matching /".@/."/ folded"
>> >    else " &foldenable && &foldmethod=='expr' && &foldexpr[0] == 'g'
>> >        :set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~@/ foldmethod=expr foldenable
>> >        normal zM
>> >        redraw | echo "lines matching /".@/."/ folded"
>> >    endif
>> > endfun
>> >
>> That type of thing works nicely, except for the fact that as
>> soon as you set foldmethod=expr, you lose any other syntax based
>> folding that's in place.  Is it possible to do something like
>> foldmethod+=expr, so that the syntax based folding remains in
>> effect?  I don't believe that can be done, but I'd love to
>> hear suggestions for a work-around.
>> I originally was hoping to do  what Jack was asking for, which is
>> to hide the lines and continue working in the buffer, but in
>> retrospect, that may not be particularly safe.  Filtering to
>> a temporary buffer will probably satisfy me.
>> Thanks for all the suggestions.
> It's easy to add saving of preexisting fold-rules in the
> mappings. In the toggle mapping, the 3rd state would
> be restoration of old mappings instead of disabled folding.
> You can do it yourself.
> It's easy. Just assign &foldmethod, &foldexpr &foldenable
> etc to global variables, and make a mapping to restore it.

I don't just want it restored, though.  I want both types of
folding enabled simultaneously.

I think vim cannot do this.

Otoh, leaving foldmethod=expr,
and playing with expressions (||,&& etc) you can possibly
achieve something like this.


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