On Tue, 9 May 2006, Benjamin Reitzammer wrote:

Regarding :find. It does not do &path-full completion, and
no 'incremental completion menu'. To write such plugin, you'd
need to process every typed character.

Yes I tried, :find and that it's not doing completion of my filename,
is something that makes it a lot less useful. Sure it broadened my vim
skills ;) but it's still not as good as the described solution the
jedit plugin offers.

This has been suggested in the list before (by Hari, I think). Put these
lines in your vimrc:

  command! -nargs=? -complete=custom,PathFileComplete -bang -bar Find find<bang> 
  function! PathFileComplete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
    return substitute(globpath(&path, a:ArgLead."*"), "[^\n]\\+/", "", "g")

  set wildmenu wildmode=longest:full

Then instead of doing

  :find <partial filename>


  :Find <partial filename>
  (notice the capital "F")

Completion will work now. :Find is :find with completion.

Take note of what J??rgen & Tim had to say. :Find will look in the
directories specified in the option 'path', as J??rgen mentioned.

After typing your <partial filename>, you can hit the <Tab> button, as
Tim mentioned, to complete the filename and/or bring up the wildmenu so
you can scroll through the matching filenames from left to right. You
can also type Ctrl-d to list the matching filenames.

HTH :)

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