On Tue, 9 May 2006, Robin Becker wrote:

I am trying out Vim 7.0 and see a major difference in the way my old mappings work. I have for many years mapped g to G so I can use the lower case g to jump around the file instead of shift+g.

Under 6.4 and earlier that works well, but with vim 7 I see a big delay between hitting the g key and the jump to the bottom of the file. Same if I type 1g. It seems as though the mapping is not happening immediately (I assume to allow for a follow up character to be recognized). Is there any way to fix this or is it a permanent feature?

In 6.4 even though there are similar possibilities for g as a start character I don't see this delay.

Just confirming, did you do

  :noremap g G
  :noremap G g


After which, if you did

  :map g

you should just see one entry of "g".


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