On Wed, 10 May 2006 at 10:04pm, Gerald Lai wrote:

> On Wed, 10 May 2006, Ben K. wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there a way to split a line automatically like awk would?
> >
> > Given "A quick brown fox jumped over ",
> >     awk '{print $3}' ... ==> brown
> > or like in perl
> >     split(':',$line)...
> >
> > I'd like to do within vim something like
> >     :s/{some notation}/\3
> > without having to define the pattern
> >     :s/\(\S\+\) \(\S\+\) \(\S\+\) ... /\3 ==> brown
> >
> > using white space, and if needed, by defining my own separator
> The regex to search for the <n>th occurence of a <search> is
>    /^\%(.\{-}\zs<search>\)\{<n>}
> Given a line like
> :A:quick:brown:fox:jumped:over
> you can search for the <n>th word with
>    /^\%(.\{-}:\zs[^:]*\)\{<n>}
> For example, if you want "fox", then do
>    /^\%(.\{-}:\zs[^:]*\)\{4}
> You can easily modify the regex to use whitespace as delimiters.
> HTH.

In Vim7, you can use the split function as:


The above will replace the whole currently line with the third word (0
based index).


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