On Wed, 10 May 2006, Suresh Govindachar wrote:

 > Confirmed for 7.0 release. It seems that i_up-arrow &
 > i_down-arrow work un-intuitively as compared to i_ctrl-p &
 > i_ctrl-n, respectively.

 Not exactly -- the bug is _NOT_ "un-intutiveness".

To both Suresh and Edward: please read my posting again :)

I did not mention anything about it being a bug. I merely confirmed what
was being observed, so as to point out that we're all seeing the same
thing. After confirmation that it not a specialized matter can we
discuss the topic further.

 The bug, present in 7.0.10, is that both of Bram's intents, viz.,

         "Using the cursor only selects another entry,
         it doesn't insert it.  Use Enter to insert the
         match (original text)."

 are _not_ happening.

 1) <UP> -- just doing 1 <UP> -- after i_CTRL-X s actually inserts
    an entry -- Bram says it will not, but it does in fact.

The <Up> did not insert the entry. The <C-x>s did.

The <Up> moved the selection back to the original. If you like the
original, you can type <Enter> or <C-y>.

If you like to go back to the original from any (other) selection, you
can type <C-e>.

    Moreover, even though the message at the bottom says Bram's
    intent "Back at original", the word inserted is in fact the
    "match 1 of 100" word -- after exactly 1 <UP> after i_CTRL-X s.

No, word was inserted -- after exactly and only after i_CTRL-X s. The 1
<UP> was done after the fact.

 2) Then -- after doing zero or more <UP> and <DOWN> -- hitting
    <ESC> will leave that inserted "match 1 of 100" word in the
    buffer rather than Bram's intent of leaving the buffer unmodified.

Yes that's correct - zero or more <Up> and <Down>'s will never insert
anything. But the buffer has already been modified by <C-x>s.

I don't think that was Bram's intent of leaving the buffer unmodified.
Does it say somewhere in the docs?

It's like you saw the first suggestion given, moved up and down many
times to look at the other suggestions. Then:

  1. If you were satisfied with the first suggestion, you'd hit <Esc> to
     quit from the pop-up menu with the first suggestion intact.

  2. If you wanted another suggestion you've selected with <Up> and
     <Down>, you would hit <Enter> or <C-y> to accept it.

  3. If you wanted to go back to the original, you may hit <C-e>

 POSTSCRIPT:  With 7.0.10, in insert mode, enter the command:


              What shows up is what is supposed to show up
              after entering only <C-X>s.

Correction: this is not what is supposed to show up after entering only
<C-x>s. What is described in POSTSCRIPT is a wish. But Bram has
mentioned (and chosen) that users will get the first suggestion inserted
_as soon as_ <C-x>s is typed.


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