On Thu, 11 May 2006, Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

On Thu, 11 May 2006 at 7:57pm, Gerald Lai wrote:

On Thu, 11 May 2006, Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

On Thu, 11 May 2006 at 6:37pm, Gerald Lai wrote:

On Thu, 11 May 2006, Suresh Govindachar wrote:

  Elias Chatzigeorgiou wrote:

    I use the mswin behaviour and insert mode for editing
("source mswin.vim" and "set insertmode" in _vimrc )

To enable column selection I use the sequence:
CTRL-O, g, CTRL-H and hold the SHIFT during the selection.

Is it possible to simplify the above key sequence? Ideally I
would like the cream-for-vim equivalent (ALT-SHIFT
to enable column selection) - but I don't like ice-cream-s :-)

 Try creating the following insert-mode map:

      :imap <A-c> <c-o>g<c-h>

 and then using the sequence <Alt-c> and hold SHIFT etc.  If you
 like it, place "imap <A-c> <c-o>g<c-h>" in your vimrc file.


I have these mappings in my vimrc that do a Visual Block mousedrag. It
was a simple modification to make it a Select Block. Place in vimrc.

   nnoremap <A-S-LeftMouse>   mz<LeftMouse><C-v>g`zo<C-g>
   inoremap <A-S-LeftMouse>
   vnoremap <A-S-LeftDrag>    <LeftDrag>
   vnoremap <A-S-LeftMouse>   <C-v><LeftMouse>mzgvg`z<C-g>

Holding down Alt-Shift and click-dragging with the left mouse button in
any mode should start Select Block mode.

HTH :)

I created a tip about this long back:


Yes, I remember being inspired by this tip to write the version I have
now :)

As the tip suggests, I didn't really want the first click to move the
cursor and then start the Visual Block mode. I wanted a Visual Block
highlighted from the cursor's original position to its destination upon
the first click.

Then I extended it so that it would work in Insert mode. This was tricky
to get the Insert cursor positioning correct all the time.

Very clever. I failed to see what you were doing on the first glance. I
updated the tip with your version, hope you don't mind.


Not at all :) Thanks Hari!

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