when you say scrolling, do you mean with a mouse wheel?  Or moving dragging
the scroll bar?  Or something else?

I tried to duplicate this behavior, but was unable to do so.  Vim's working
fine on my copy of Windows XP.  This is the stock version, though.

Jared Breland

On 5/13/2006 12:35 PM, oystercatcher wrote:
> I am running vim 7  on winxp  compiled with mingw  7.0223
> I have noticed that when I am scrolling through text  (postscript source)
> that I lose focus on the vim window.   I thought at first that I was
> simple bumping another key or the mouse.  Then I thought that
> maybe some running application was somehow taking focus
> to another window.
> Since I am not sure of the cause and will continue to monitor
> what might be happening,  I thought I would just ask the list
> if anyone might have noticed the same problem?
> Thanks

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