Jerin Joy wrote:

I use gvim as my default editor. My source files are in a non standard
language whose syntax is similar to Verilog. When I open files from
command line in independent gvim windows the syntax highlighting uses
the verilog syntax which is what I want. The only thing is when I use
the split command to split an existing gvim window between 2 files,
the new file opened does not have the syntax highlighting or colour.

Read  :help new-filetype

As an example:

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" filetype.vim:
if exists("did_load_myfiletypes")
let did_load_myfiletypes= 1

augroup filetypedetect
au BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.ExampleSuffix    setf Example
augroup END
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------

where you put any suffix that is associated with your non-standard language files instead of "ExampleSuffix" and, in your case, change "setf Example" to "setf verilog". The file is .vim/filetype.vim (or, under windows, ...\vimfiles\filetype.vim).

Now, if you don't have a suffix associated with your NSL (non-standard language),
then read  :help new-filetype-scripts .

Chip Campbell

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