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Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 13:20:09 -0500
To: Gerald Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to auto-set font and size?

At 01:11 PM 5/15/2006, Gerald wrote:
On Mon, 15 May 2006, Donal wrote:

Now that my primary issue of getting Windows Explorer to use gvim to open .prg files has been fixed, I have 2 further issues. I will seperate them so they do not get confused...

My eyes are not what they once were, and I use a high-res monitor. I don't want to decrease my screen res as I am used to all the real estate I need to keep multiple things going at once :) but I need to increase the default font size for my program files in gvim. I need a line for _vimrc, I suppose, that will set the default font to Lucida Console and 14pt.

Select your font to your liking via Edit -> Select Font...

Once you're done, do

  :echo &guifont

Copy what you see to set the option 'guifont' (see ":help 'guifont'").
It'd probably look something like

  :set guifont=Lucida\ 14

  (spaces are escaped with backslashes)

You can place this in your vimrc.

Thank you very much. For any that are interested, the exact line for my _vimrc is

set guifont=Lucida_Console:h14:cANSI

It works perfectly! :)

Donal, SysAdmin of the Brewers' Witch BBS  http://www.brewich.com
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