> I haven't seen much discussion of the intermediate solution:  have a
> command shell that *isn't* a terminal emulator.
> There have been several attempts at this, with varying degrees of
> success.  A command shell window which does good, solid handling of
> command line utilities would be terrific.  It would require none of
> the morass of issues of terminal emulation, but still allow me/you to
> do many of the things that would be so useful.
> I'm currently switching around between plugins like vimsh.vim which
> uses Python, and my own home grown version which uses more primitive
> interaction with Cygwin OS.  They come close, but aren't fully
> fledged, and seemingly aren't well known or used.

I think with a few small additions to vim I could make vimsh a very good
substitute.  The big sticking point right now is async I/O.  I've tried just
about every trick in the book with none providing a good solution.  I'm
interested in seeing what you've done w/ cygwin.

I personally like vimsh better than the possibility of an intergrated terminal
because I like being able to move around it like a buffer with all the
benefits of that, like the movement keys, yanking, etc, etc.

> I'm fiddling around with using my GetChar patch, which would allow
> character by character interaction from Vim script with an external
> shell.  This would be best, but until something like this becomes
> official, a good line by line interaction would satisfy a real need.
> An officially distributed plugin would be a great addition to Vim, on
> the order of Netrw.

I'd like to have my plugin be in vim proper but unfortunately it depends on


| Brian Sturk - http://users.adelphia.net/~bsturk \  C/C++  | .>   )\,^a__
|-------------------------. bsturk<AT>adelphia.net | Python |(  _ _)/ /-."~
| http://www.telengard.com `------------------------`-------| `( )_ )/
| Telengard Technologies Inc. - NT/*nix UI & device drivers |_<_s_<_s

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