Search your registry (with regedit or something better) for any
conflicting entries for Vim6 and Vim7.

On 5/16/06, James Eibisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In Windows 2000 I'm having problems associating file extensions with Vim

I've been using Vim 6.2 (GUI version) for a while, and had associated C
and TXT file extensions with it. In both Windows Explorer and a
third-party file manager (WinNavigator 1.96), double-clicking a C or TXT
file launched Vim as it should.

Yesterday I upgraded to Vim 7 (the full, self-installing gvim70.exe). The
installer uninstalled 6.2 before installing 7.

6.2 was installed in ...\vim\vim62 and 7 was installed in ...\vim\vim70.

After installing 7, double-clicking a C file didn't launch Vim. No
surprises there, as the path to gvim.exe had changed. I tried to associate
the C extension with Vim 7 via Explorer | Tools | Folder Options | File
Types, but Vim wasn't listed in the available programs - it was as if Vim
hadn't registered itself with Windows while installing.

I chose "Other" and navigated to vim70\gvim.exe, but when I clicked OK,
the association hadn't stuck. In the 'Registered file types' box, the C
extension said "Opens with:" but then a blank space - no program name. And
Vim still wasn't listed in the available programs.

However, double-clicking a C file in Windows Explorer did then launch Vim,
but clicking a C file in WinNavigator didn't launch Vim - nothing

I associated C files with another editor, EditPlus, and that did stick,
and did work in Explorer and WinNavigator. Tried associating with gvim
again, and the same problem.

Then I associated C files with the console version, vim70\vim.exe, and
that did work - the association stuck, Vim was listed in the available
programs, and files launched in console Vim in both file managers. Tried
gvim again and still no joy.

Has anyone got any ideas? I'm not sure if it's a Vim, Windows, or
WinNavigator problem :-\


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