On 5/17/06, Jared <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok, this will be my last question for the night (promise!).  I'd like to map
separate commands to Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Shift-C.  I've tried a couple different
ways to do it, but this one seems like it should be most "correct":

vnoremap <C-c> "+y
vnoremap <C-S-c> ^Gol"+y

Sorry, but I don't think there is a shift-control-c.  This is [partly]
because control chars are treated as a single byte, whereas other
keyboard keys, like arrows, etc, are treated as 3-6 byte strings where
the extra modifiers like shit/control/meta are in another byte.

What's happening, though, is that the C-S-c map overwrites the C-c map.  If
I were to place C-c below C-S-c in .vimrc, the it'd be the other way around.

So, two questions: 1) Am I defining the <C-S-c> mapping correctly?  I
believe that's how it's done, but I couldn't find a specific example in the
docs.  2) How do I make Vim distinguish between the two commands?

Actually, I also have a 3rd, pseudo-related question:  How do I include a
control key sequence in a map?  I'm using ^G in the above example, but that
seems to be completely ignored when I hit <C-S-c>.  I also tried <C-g>, but
that's also ignored.

<c-g> is the correct method.  Something else must be happening.

Thanks once again.  Believe me when I say that I'm most appreciative of the
help that's constantly offered on this mailing list.


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