On 5/18/06, Eric Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think this does what you want.  You only need to use "/", though,
since you can now go up and down while in "/" :

cmap <silent> <C-X> <c-c>N:redraw<CR>/<c-p>
cmap <silent> <C-Z> <c-c>n:redraw<CR>/<c-p>

Rats.  This works only if you set the @/ variable first by hitting
return normally, which will highlight the pattern, then subsequence ^X
or ^Y will move to the right pattern.

Benji's simple example has the same problem if you start with <c-p>

These come close, but the first time you use them, they do something
slightly different than subsequent times.  ^R go up *2* matches, and
^S just goes to what looks like the current match (i.e. it doesn't
appear to move).  It's all a problem of where the cursor actually is
v.s. where the highlighting is for incsearch.

cmap <silent> <c-r> <cr>NN:redraw<CR>/<c-p>
cmap <silent> <c-s> <cr>:redraw<CR>/<c-p>

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