On 5/19/06, roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/18/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/18/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 5/18/06, roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > actually this is what happens:
> > > it opens one window splitted in two, with half of it showing (1)
> > > polar_bal.c and the other showing (2) polar_angle_d.c
> > >
> > > but then it also open another blank window with the usual welcome screen 
of gvim
> > > this is bad, the former is good, i mean i want only one window not two...
> Can you post a screenshot ? It's unusual what happens to you.
here it is a screenshot, now i try to be clearer:
these are the sessions saved and automatically opened upon login, this
is my previously stated script "start.sh" placed in ~/.kde/Autostart :
# ---------------------------------------------#
#               General Options        #
# ---------------------------------------------#
# restore previous session(s) for gvim
# session for general options
 /usr/bin/gvim -S ~/Session.vim

#  /usr/bin/gvim -S ~/Sessionpaper06.vim

# session for papers
/usr/bin/gvim -S ~/Sessionpapers07.vim
# ---------------------------------------------#

# ---------------------------------------------#
#               gps_calculations       #
# ---------------------------------------------#

# session for polar_angle_*
 /usr/bin/gvim -S ~/Session_polar_abc.vim
 /usr/bin/gvim -S ~/Session_polar_d.vim

then, all files contained in those sections are correctly opened, BUT,
in advance, also other 4 blank new windows of gvim are opened, whose
screenshot i attached here
and they are named:

with no file in them...

I have a feeling that you have some other script
that starts gvim's that you or somebody once created
and that starts additional gvim's.
1. I suggest that you
comment out 3 gvim lines in .kde/Autostart
and do logout/login and see if any gvims appear.
2. If they some gvim(s) appear, you need to find
which script starts them.
(3) If go gvims appear, then uncomment
only 1 (one) gvim line in .kde/Autostart, and
do logout/login, and see what hapens when
you have one, not three gvim lines
in Autostart script


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