I really interested in HTML completion on VIM.

I use Gentoo Linux and it is really interesting.

I interested too on match <td> </td>, <div> </div>, etc ...

You would have examples of things thus functioning? Archives of
configuration etc.

I'm test matchit plugin but doesn't have succes ...

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
Dnia sobota, 20 maja 2006 07:11, Vu The Cuong napisał:
I'm new to vim and I tried a couple of hours to make html auto -
completion feature to work.
But had no result. Could anyone tell me how to config vim to turn on
html auto - completion?

What system? If MS-Windows get rid of::

        :so $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim

Line in configuration scripts (it is remapping <c-x> required for

If it is no MS-Windows tell exactly what you are doing, error messages,
example of file.


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