On Mon, 22 May 2006 at 4:07am, Eric Arnold wrote:

> On 5/21/06, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 21 May 2006 at 3:12pm, Eric Arnold wrote:
> >
> > > I've been trying to map "cd" if it's the first two characters on the
> > > :ex  line.  I've tried all the combinations I can think of.  On
> > > several of them, I seem to be getting errors as if <expr> is run in
> > > the sandbox (that dog won't hunt).  The only one that works at all is
> > > the first simple mapping, but that gets painful, of course, when you
> > > want to use "cd" in a search, etc.
> > >
> > > Anybody know any good tricks?
> > >
> > >
> > > silent! cunmap cd
> > >
> > > cnoremap <silent> cd call Cd_plus()<CR>
> > >
> > > "cnoremap <silent> cd echo getcmdpos()<CR>
> > > "cnoremap <silent> cd if getcmdpos() < 3 <bar> call Cd_plus() <bar>
> > > else <bar> call feedkeys('cd','n') <bar> call setcmdpos(1) <bar> end
> > > <CR>
> > > "cnoremap <silent> <expr> cd ( getcmdpos() == 1 ? Cd_plus() : 'cd' )
> > > "cnoremap <silent> <expr> cd Cd_plus()
> > > "abbr <silent> <expr> cd Cd_plus()
> > > "silent! unabbr cd
> >
> > You should use the new <expr> option and check if you are in the start
> <expr> seems to be evaluated in the sandbox as with <C-R>=, I report
> with sadness...

Actually cabbr with <expr> option would have been a great solution for
you, if not for the fact that that also is evaluated in sandbox. Anyway
you fould a solution, I think.


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