I'm using VIM on windows with cygwin.  In my _vimrc I've got the

        " automatically swithc directories 
        set autochdir

        " For cygwin shell
        set shell=C:/cygwin/bin/bash 
        set shellcmdflag=--login\ -c 
        set shellxquote=\" 

When I try to use cygwin stuff with the "!" command or similar things
from vim, it doesn't seem to know where it is.

That is, if I open up a file on the desktop with gvim, and do


It prints out the path of the desktop (thanks to autochdir I think).
However, if I do

        :! pwd

It prints out the location of my windows home directory.  Is there
anyway I could automatically pass to the shell the location it should
start in?

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