On Sun, 28 May 2006, Geoffrey Alan Washburn wrote:

I looked through the help files and examined the archives but didn't see anything that sounded like this. Essentially, I was interested in knowing whether there was any way to set per document dictionary modifications? In the papers I write there are words/keywords that are very specific to the document that flagged as spelling errors, but they aren't really general enough to put into my dictionary. For example, the paper I am editing right now repeatedly refers to functions named "exListToTuple" and "tupleToExList". I'm already using

%# vim:ft=latex

in the header of my documents to refer to my slightly modified version of the TeX syntax plugin. What I would like to do is be able to add some additional lines looking something like

%# vim:ft=latex
%# vim:spellignore+=exListToTuple
%# vim:spellignore+=tupleToExList

Is anything like this possible? If not I think it would be a really great feature to implement.

Since 'spellfile' cannot be set from a modeline for security reasons,
you can try placing something like this in your vimrc:

autocmd BufWinEnter *
  \ if expand("%:t") == "myfile1.txt"     |
  \   set spellfile=myspell1.latin1.add   |
  \ elseif expand("%:t") == "myfile2.txt" |
  \   set spellfile=myspell2.utf-8.add    |
  \ else                                  |
  \   set spellfile=                      |
  \ endif                                 |


  :help 'spellfile'
  :help expand()
  :help BufWinEnter
  :help :autocmd


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