On Sun, 28 May 2006, Juan Lanus wrote:


I'm researching a problem that all ! commands fail, since many versions ago (6.4
more or less), in one of my W2K PCs. Now it has vim70.
Also, the EXE installer cannot set the "Edit with vim" option. Both problens
started together.

Can't solve it, and I'm quitting after a couple years and now 3 full days.
But found that by hiding vimrun.exe I have the functionality back, albeit with
the risk of terminating vim sometimes.

Here are the symptoms:

+ !!dir returns E485: Can't read file f:\tmp\VIo20.tmp
The process has rights to write there, for example I can :w F:\tmp\qqq from
within the same gvim. It's in fact the target of the TMP system variable,
anybody can write there.
In fact, gvim briefly writes a file, for example F:\TMP\VIi1F.tmp, and complains
about not being able to read VIo20.tmp.

+ :!dir (same as :!path, for example) opens a DOS window with:
     C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /e:8192 /c dir
     shell returned -1
     Hit any key to close this window...
The summoned shell is the one in my COMSPEC definition, it works OK. I was
unable to find the meaning of that -1.
Also I checked _default.pif for weird permissions, it's enabled for all.

There is only one instance of all DLLs and EXEs set by the installer, checked
with file search over MyComputer.
Also, I searched the registry for all references to vim, gvim, the DLLs and
their CLSIDs and deleted the keys before reboot and reinstall.

I installed vim70 in the server (NT4) and diffed the registry before and after
in an attempt to find something weird. Nothing showed.

Well that's all. Yesterday Gerald, suresh and Tony helped me, thanks to them I
was able to kep researching and I'm grateful.
The source of this problem is out of the reach of my knowledge. I blame
vimrun.exe (sorry Vince) but it's so innocent, so simple that even I can read it
(I'm a VB/SQL/COBOL/FORTRAN/JS/Java programmer). I just needed a subject.

One more thing you can try. Run Sysinternal's Filemon at


while you do a :!cmd and see what files are accessed that would
eventually lead to the error. Likewise, you can also run Regmon at


to see what is accessing the registry during that time. I have a
suspicion it may be some other software getting in the way.

You can use Autoruns at


to find out what boots with your W2K.


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