On Fri, 2 Jun 2006, Jeff Lanzarotta wrote:


I have a Java indenting questions.

When editing C code if I have something like:

void function(int x, int y
             int z)

The second line of the declaration indents automatically, right under
the first parameter, after pressing <enter> after the 'y'.

How can I get this to happen when I am writing Java code?

As suggested previously,

  :set cindent
  :set cinoptions+=(4

will only indent the next line by 4 spaces plus a shiftwidth for every
subsequent unclosed parenthesis.

Unfortunately, if you want Java indent to be smart enough to recognize
where you end the opening parenthesis, and to continue from the same
column on the next line, you would have to edit
$VIMRUNTIME/indent/java.vim itself.

This is a lot of work, and would require a peculiar set of conditions to
determine when you need to do this type of smart indenting. For
instance, how would you determine if the previous line(s) was part of
the parameter list of a function header? What if the parameter list
stretched for more than 2 lines?


  public static void function(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z)

"int z)" will have trouble telling whether it needs to do the indent
if it only looks at the previous line "int y,".

That's just a taste of the things you would need to consider when
defining an indent file for Vim :)


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