On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 01:09:41AM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> I think I should stick these doubtful customizations of mine in some
> separate file rather than modifying individual colorschemes. I've just
> tested: 
> :set FoldColumn=2
> :hi  Foldcolumn ctermbg=black
> .. and it adds a 2-column margin to the left of my display and thought
> I could add these to my .vimrc but then this will be lost whenever I
> change colorscheme on the fly.

As Tony mentioned, setting 'foldcolumn' can be done in your vimrc.  The
highlighting can also be done there by taking advantage of autocommands.

  :au ColorScheme * hi FoldColumn ctermbg=black

This only works in vim7 though since that's when the ColorScheme event
was introduced.  It may also be better to set ctermbg=NONE in case you
change which colorscheme you use in the future to one that does not have
a black background.

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