On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 03:11:08AM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:

> Well, here I am a "comparatively new" user of SuSE Linux, and I found it 
> remarkably easy to compile Vim 7 on it. If you decide you want to try 
> your hand at it, 

I was contemplating switching to gentoo at some point in the future. My
understanding is that it is a source-packaged distro .. should make it
easier to deal with compile-time customization. I've used SuSE (briefly)
in the past and found it rather confusing - at the time. Among other
things I had problems with the doc. It looked very nice at first glance
but reading it was rather painful. Seems that rather than writing doc
from scratch in English some non-native speakers had translated it from
the original German doc.. Not sure.. I also found the curses config
tools difficult to figure out. But then I prefer to do most
configuration tasks by editing config files (things like fonts..
colors.. etc. are the exception because it's a trial and error process
and some form of instant feedback is invaluable..)

> subscribe to the vim-dev list and ask advice there, 
> I'll answer if no one else jumps in before me. Also, some day I should 
> write a HowTo page for Vim on Unix, similar to the one I already have 
> for Vim on Windows, and post it on my "Vim" site 
> http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/
That would be very useful. The Vim book doesn't say much about these
aspects and learning by just reading the Vim help is not very
efficient.. for one you run into so much good stuff that you get
sidetracked and forget what you were initially looking for.


Thanks Tony, I really appreciate all your help..


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