* On Sun, Jun 11, 2006 at 03:13:22AM +0200, Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I want the script to automatically close 
> function with 
> endfunction
>  [...]
> Using it with java I could imagine to complete
> try {
> with
> } catch () {
> }
> [...]
> But I don't know exactly what to put in here?
> This is my attempt which didn't work yet.
> Can you help me?

Did you search for already existing solutions ?

For instance, I have a set of ftplugins for C&C++ [1] (and another for
VimL, ...) that expand `try', `for', ... in the complete form (with
brackets, placeholders, ...) when not within comment/string literal

I know there are a lot of similar [2] solutions out there.


[1] <http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/ressources/lh-cpp.tar.gz> (I have to
upload the UTF-8 friendly version of the plugin)
[2] If you except the context-awareness
Luc Hermitte

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