On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 at 3:00pm, Wu Yongwei wrote:

> On 6/11/06, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > While modifying one of my plugins, I had to add a new variable, and so
> > copy pasted some existing code and modified the name of the variable, so
> > it looked like this:
> >
> > exists('g:lookupfile_LookupNotifyFunc')
> >   " The function that should be notified when a file is selected.
> >   let g:lookupfile_LookupNotifyFunc = ''
> > endif
> >
> > Since I modified only the name of the variable (and the comment), the
> > rest is not touched. I saved the file, and later when I came back to it,
> > this was how it was:
> >
> > exists('g:lookupfile_LookupNotifyFunc')
> >   " The function that should be notified when a file is selected.
> >   yrg t:ybbxhcsvyr_YbbxhcAbgvslShap = ''
> > raqvs
> >
> > I can't believe that I have fat-fingered so badly for this to get so
> > badly transformed, can this be due to some bug in Vim?
> It's ROT13'd: a <-> n, b <-> o, c <-> p, etc. So it does not look like
> a bug of Vim, but rather some plugin was in effect.
> Best regards,
> Yongwei

Thanks, I don't have any plugin, I must have actually fat fingered. I
found more information at wikipedia about rot13.


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