On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 at 4:07pm, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

> Bob Hiestand wrote:
> > On 6/2/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Bob Hiestand wrote:
> >>
> >> >  My question is whether there is a simpler way to pass an unknown
> >> > number of arguments from the current function to a function which
> >> > accepts a variable-length list of arguments.
> >
> > ...snip...
> > I don't think that does what I wanted, though I may have misunderstood
> > the implications.  That converts the arguments into a string
> > representation of a list, which then becomes the single argument to
> > the second function.
> Looks like I made a mistake.  Here's one that does illustrate passing a
> variable number of arguments along:
> " ----------------------------------
> fun! AFunc(...)
>   let args = string(a:000)
>   let len  = strlen(args)
>   let args = strpart(args,1,len-2)
>   echomsg "call BFunc(".args.") a:0=".a:0
>   exe "call BFunc(".args.")"
> endfun
> " ----------------------------------
> fun! BFunc(...)
>   echomsg "BFunc sees: a:0=".a:0
>   echomsg "a:000<".string(a:000).">"
> endfun
> " ----------------------------------
> echomsg 'AFunc(1):'
> call AFunc(1)
> echomsg 'AFunc(1,"a"):'
> call AFunc(1,"a")
> echomsg 'AFunc(1,"a",b):'
> let b="BBB"
> call AFunc(1,"a",b)
> The idea is to have a string hold just the arguments, not the list
> delimiters.
> The exe squeezes the string together and then executes it.  Consequently,
> the output is:
> AFunc(1):
> call BFunc(1) a:0=1
> BFunc sees: a:0=1
> a:000<[1]>
> AFunc(1,"a"):
> call BFunc(1, 'a') a:0=2
> BFunc sees: a:0=2
> a:000<[1, 'a']>
> AFunc(1,"a",b):
> call BFunc(1, 'a', 'BBB') a:0=3
> BFunc sees: a:0=3
> a:000<[1, 'a', 'BBB']>
> P
> So you can see that BFunc is being called with a variable number of
> arguments depending on whatever AFunc received (look at the
> BFunc sees: lines)

I don't know if the OP can use a Vim7.0 only solution, but the genutils
plugin has a utility to make this possible for prior versions. I have
been using this in several places of one of my plugins with no issues.
However, if Vim7.0 only solution is acceptable, Vim supports this
already with the call() function.

" ----------------------------------
fun! AFunc(...)
  echomsg "call BFunc(".string(a:000).") a:0=".a:0
  call call('BFunc', a:000)

" ----------------------------------
fun! BFunc(...)
  echomsg "BFunc sees: a:0=".a:0
  echomsg "a:000<".string(a:000).">"


> >
> > My intention was to create a passthrough function that could call any
> > other function after determining the function to which it would
> > dispatch control (the application here is a general source integration
> > script that would dispatch to the appropriate function specific to the
> > version control system controlling the current file).
> >
> > As it turns out, I was a victim of narrow thinking because I was
> > trying to modify as little as possible of an existing plugin.  The
> > correct change was to simply make the dispatch function and the  end
> > functions accept a list as the parameter, in which case pass-through
> > becomes trivial.
> >
> > Thank you for looking at this,
> You're welcome!
> Chip Campbell

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