On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 03:28:56PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Andrei Voropaev wrote:
> > The document I'm trying to check is an HTML file, so maybe the the html
> > coding somehow prevents spell checking? Actually I've just tried it. If
> > I use spellcheck in a_file.txt, then it works. When I try it on
> > empty_file.html then it doesn't work.
> Perhaps the html syntax file needs to be updated.  You can clear the
> 'filetype' to see all mistakes.

Yep. This is the trick. After I've cleared filetype I started to see all
of the mistakes. Then it means that syntax for html has to be updated. I
have the version with Last Change:  2006 April 13. Is there any newer

I've also tried spell checking for 'nl' language, vim did offer me to
download it. Maybe I didn't notice that the first time. Sorry.

Minds, like parachutes, function best when open

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