
(I have vim 6.3.86 on a Linux machine.)

I have to edit some FORTRAN 77 files, which have a naming scheme like:


where # is a number. I cannot change anything on this naming scheme. So,
I put an autocommand in my .vimrc:

      au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufNew cmedt.edt.*.f_* set filetype=fortran

It works almost fine, but I have two problems:

1) The fortran dialekt is setted to f95. I could set this by an
   autocommand as well:
au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufNew cmedt.edt.*.f_* let fortran_dialect="f77" But would this be the correct way? And should this be done before or
   after the autocommand from above?

Almost. I suggest

   augroup filetypedetect
   " possibly other filetype-detection autocommands here
   au BufRead,BufNewFile cmedt.edt.*.f_*
      \   let fortran_dialect = "f77" |
      \   setf fortran
   " possibly other filetype-detection autocommands here
   augroup END

not in .vimrc but in ~/.vim/filetype.vim (for one user only) or $VIM/vimfiles/filetype.vim (for all users on this system). The start-of-line backslash indicates a continuation line, and the bar is required between statements on a single "line".

Create the directory and/or the file if they don't exist yet.

2) Maybe this "problem" is correlated with 1) and its the thing which
   annoys me much! In the files I like to edit, comments start with a
   "C", but also with a "*". But one cannot see it in the syntax
   highlightning. It looks like normal code. A comment starting with a
   "!" would look OK. But it is not an option to change all comments to
   comments starting with "!". So, what do I have to do, to get a
   correct comment handling?


If you set the correct syntax dialect, comments should be highlighted correctly, usually in blue. I learnt Fortran in 1967 and comments had to start with a C and nothing else. The * was a later (but not much) development.

Best ergards,

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