On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Tim Chase wrote:
I have "set fileformats=unix,dos" at the bottom of my _vimrc,
but still see the ^M's.
My guess is that the file in question has one line that lacks a ^M in the
line, and thus, it vim concludes that it must use unix-style line-endings.
The likely culprit is the last line in the file.
You can clean them all up with
where ^M is entered by pressing ^V followed by ^M
Once you've gotten them all cleaned up, you can use
:set ff=dos
and then write the file.
If problems keep cropping up in files, somebody else's editor is likely
bunging stuff up.
Another way to clean up all the ^M's is to do
:set ff=unix
Then to convert to DOS format, I'd recommend
:set ff=dos eol