I have discovered some interesting additional information about this problem:

- The problem occurs with my mappings, e.g.:
    :map ]v *
    :map ]t ^t

- The problem does NOT occur with the following mappings:
    :map aa *
    :map )V *
  I can type this as fast as I want and it jumps to the
  next occurance of the word under the cursor

I tried turning off showmatch, but it didn't help.
Is there something special about [ and ]?

I'm currently runnig version 6.3.84

--- Thomas Mellman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After upgrading to a new version of VIM a while back, I
> have now to type key-sequences slowly, or I get a visual bell
> (and no sequence recognized).  Does anybody know what changed
> to cause this, and how I can turn it off?
> For example, I use the '[' and ']' keys to introduce various
> shortcuts (e.g. "]v" and "[v" find the next or previous
> occurance of the word under the cursor).  But now I have to
> always wait 500ms - 1000ms or my sequence is aborted.
> I looked at timeout and ttimeout, but they seem to be for the
> opposite case - making sure that VIM waits for the typist before
> attempting to interpret.  I can't discern an effect on typing
>  too fast .
> I can't see why there should be a problem if the keys are already
> sitting in the buffer.
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