Quoting "K.S.Sreeram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> > if exists('+autochdir')
> >    set autochdir
> > else
> >    autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h:gs/ /\\ /
> > endif
> >
> > In my _vimrc and it's worked beautifully in both vim 6 and vim 7.
> I just tried 'autochdir', and when i'm browsing a directory, it seems to
> set the current working directory to the *parent* of the directory.\
> For instance, if i'm browsing 'c:\projects\mypetproject\', the current
> directory is being set to 'c:\projects', how do i make it so that the
> current directory is set to 'c:\projects\mypetproject\'?

Assuming you're using netrw to do your browsing; look at

:he netrw-problems

In particular, look at P6.

Chip Campbell

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