Yakov Lerner wrote:
My code contains multiple targets for the same tag, as explained
in the (*1).

Let's assume that 'tags' contains multiple lines for the same name.

I want to go to the *next" definition of tag 'foo', so that N presses of
some key X gets me to the 1st definition of the tag, then to the second,
etc. How do I do it in vim ?


(*1) My code has multiple definitions of certain functions. I want to
teach ctags to keep *all* definitions in ctags.

      #if X
      int foo() { ... }

      #if !X
      int foo() { ... }

In other cases, multiple target for the tag can be (1) prototype
of foo() in .h (2) definition of foo() in .c file

        :map    <F4>      :tn<CR>
        :map    <S-F4>    :tN<CR>
and if needed
        :imap   <F4>      <C-O>:tn<CR>
        :imap   <S-F4>    <C-O>:tN<CR>

        :help :tnext
        :help :tNext
        :help i_CTRL-O

Note: If the current file is modified, what happens may depend of whether the :t[nN] command has a bang (|abandon| the file) and whether 'autowrite' / 'autowriteall' are set (write the file). See ":help tag-!". (I set 'autowriteall' in my vimrc but YMMV.)


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