Maciej Kalisiak wrote:

> I've created a seperate thread for this issue, even though I discussed
> it briefly earlier, as I've done some testing and it seems this may be
> a Vim bug.
> - using Vim 7.0, downloaded and installed about 2 days ago
> - running under WinXP SP2
> - fire up "gvim -u NONE -U NONE"
> - :e foo.txt
>   (actually any file seems to work, regardless of filetype)
> - press O to open a new line at top of file
> - type in a single line of gibberish without Enter
> - hit Esc
> - press u to undo
> At this point I should be seeing a diagnostic message in the message
> line at the bottom, something of the sort "1 more line; after #1
> 15:17:56", yet I see none.  But if I do :messages, it is present.
> This has been a general problem I've been seeing, undo/redo messages
> which are not being displayed, or what is more likely, they are being
> displayed for a split second and then immediately being cleared or
> over-written (I do occasionally see the message briefly blink before
> disappearing).  This seems to plague predominently single-line
> changes, like in case above, but it is possible I've seen it at other
> times too.  It is hard to nail down when this does and does not
> happen.
> Any fixes or workarounds for this?  Can others reproduce this?  It's
> really a minor issue, but it's one of those that, once you notice it
> happening, it starts driving you mad...

This is normal behavior.  The message is given and then the screen is
redrawn.  That removes the message again in this situation.

This message isn't considered important, thus it's not repeated after
the redraw.  You can see it with ":messages" if you need to.

Drawing the message again may introduce new problems, such as the
'showcmd' and 'ruler' space getting in the way.  That's why it is not

Shit makes the flowers grow and that's beautiful

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