Thanks Gerald, and others - think I might settle for 
a) keeping expandtab enabled,
b) remap <tab> to insert a real tab, ie,   imap <tab>  ^Q^I
(^Q instead of ^V since for better and worse I use mswin.vim on windows)
c) "set list" to be able to see the tab characters, thus also setting listchars 
set listchars+=tab:>_

The listchars isn't hugely necessary since the syntax highlighting should point 
out any places I failed to tab where I should have, but it can't hurt either.

Thanks again,

On Saturday 17 June 2006 05:42, Gerald Lai wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Jun 2006, John Orr wrote:
> [snip]
> > Another alternative might be to enable expandtab (to get the spaces)
> > and enter the tab characters explicitly - is there any easy way of
> > inserting a tab character when expandtab is enabled?
> Yes. In Insert mode, you could either
>    (a) hit Ctrl-v followed by Tab
>    (b) hit Ctrl-v followed by Ctrl-i
>    (c) hold down Ctrl and type "vi"
> (c) is essentially (b), but has a nice ring to it ;) Entering tab
> characters explicitly is what I normally do when editing makefiles,
> since I have 'expandtab' set.
> See
>    :help i_ctrl-v
>    :help i_ctrl-q
> HTH.
> --
> Gerald

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