>>> Jürgen Krämer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 22.06.2006 10:22 >>>


>Johannes Schwarz wrote:

>> I just realized the :sba   or even better the  :vert sba   command.
>> Is it possible to hide all windows again except the active one, which
>> the cursor is in?

>have a look at

>  :help :only

This is exactly what I was looking for.

>> And another question:
>> When I set the all windows to "scrollbind" and make jump to a special
>> line, I want each window to show that line and not the offset to the
>> original line.
>> One solution is to do  :windo normal gg  and then  :windo set
>> scrollbind   but is there an easier way?
>  :set scrollopt+=jump

No, it still jumps only to the offset of the original line, but I can live with 
:window normal gg

Thanx a lot for your help



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