On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 at 7:42pm, Gerald Lai wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Jun 2006, Max Dyckhoff wrote:
> > If there are many values for the enum then I will generally jump to the
> > tag and do as you do; copy the values and do an :s on them. What I was
> > wondering though was basically "can I make vim insert every entry from
> > the ^N popup menu?", which is listing all the values that I want to
> > enter.
> [snip]
> I don't think there's a way to capture the current results from a popup
> completion menu. This is required to do what you want. Perhaps Bram
> could include a function that would return a List of entries from the
> current popup menu.
> --
> Gerald

If there is an explicit completion function (through 'completefunc' or
'omnifunc'), it should be possible to explicitly evaluate the function
yourself, and use those results to populate the switch. It would have
been nice if Vim exposed its internal default completion function such
that this can be done for the default case too.


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