> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hari Krishna Dara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:53 PM
> To: vim@vim.org
> Subject: a question about 'diff' setting
> Can anyone explain why and what I should do to avoid 
> this (other than remembering to run :diffoff before closing, 
> or doing a :bufdo diffoff later).

I keep this in my vimrc:
if v:version >= 602
    command! -bar -bang Nodiff wincmd l <bar> only<bang> <bar> set nodiff
noscrollbind scrollopt-=hor wrap foldcolumn=0 virtualedit= 
    command! -bar Nodiff exe 'wincmd l' <bar> only <bar> set nodiff
noscrollbind wrap foldcolumn=0 scrollopt-=hor virtualedit= <bar> let
g:diff_msg_shown = 0

I think Gary Johnson came up with it initially.

Try that to see if it works.  The command! lines are on 1 line only.


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