Paul Drynoff wrote:

On Thu, 6 Jul 2006 09:37:55 -0400
:help filetype-plugin

This doesn't help.
I try this:
$ cat .vim/ftplugin/c.vim
set textwidth=30

but nothing changes when I open "C file".

Only such black magic helps:
vim +'set formatoptions=vt'

I don't know why?

Do you have something like
   filetype plugin indent on
in your <.vimrc>?

When I put
  set tw=80
into my .vim/ftplugin/c/c.vim file, and then edited something.c,
the textwidth was then 80 instead of 0 as it normally is.

You can try editing something.c yourself, and then trying
 :verbose set tw?
to find out where it was set last.

Chip Campbell

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