[CCing the Vim and Vim-Dev lists. Not that it did any good the last time I raised this subject.]

It is NOT me, dammit! Someone on the Vim list is infected with a virus that trawls through his address book and forges the From address. I too get dozens of virus-laden emails every week that purport to be from various people on the Vim list. Bram, Henk, Arpaffdy, and my own name are some of the names that I see regularly. This has been going on for at least two years :-(

This laptop has been running a fresh install of Ubuntu 6.06 for the last four weeks, so if you've seen any mails from me in that interval, it definitely wasn't me. And I run antivirus and antispyware software when I'm running Windows, and I keep the signatures up to date.

Vimmers, for the love of God, download antivirus and antispyware software, and run a scan on your machines.

Windows users, start here: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/default.mspx


@ Rocteur CC wrote:
I can't believe it, is this really you.

I receive at least 5 spams a week from your email address.

I can't believe it, is this a legitimate mail from you ?

I'll be damned, the worlds biggest spammer is from the VIM list..

I didn't realize..

Virus, worms, spam, you name it, I get it from your address, I always thought it was a phony email address and now I see it is a real one..

Can you not do something about this ?

Anyway, I have hundreds of spam mail from you and it was a shock to see one that was not spam..


On 06 Jul 2006, at 21:10, George Reilly wrote:

Adding the Vim Users mailing list, because I can't answer these completely.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Dooling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gvim on windows xp
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 12:53:12 -0500

Dear George:

I am a new convert to gvim. Trying to use it on Windows XP. I am
primarily a novelist, but a recent convert to Python, also.

I intend to use gvim mainly as a text editor.

Two things:

(1) Is there a way to have a "soft" border or offset on the left, so
that the text is not flush against the left window border? I've searched
for hours with no luck. Autoindent would put an actual space in there
(which I wouldn't want).

I don't know of anything that will do exactly what you want, but ":set number" might help.

(2) Is there a plug-in file especially for text? Already configured for
79 spaces with linebreak etc already set.

I'm sure there must be something useful out there at vim.org. I have

" In text files, always limit the width of text to 75 characters
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt,*.htm,*.html setlocal tw=75

in my _vimrc.

Thank you so much for any help.

Richard Dooling


--/George V. Reilly mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

/George V. Reilly  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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