Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > It is also available on SF, however I haven't updated it for a coupled of
> years.
> > HTH,
> Do you still remember some keyword to find the functionality I'm looking
> for or the filename?

Of course.
:h Surround()
  This function permit to surround selections according to the current vim
options, and various wishes. It is defined in plugin/misc_map.vim -- plugin
that can be seen as a library plugin.

:h brackets-for-C (move ftplugin/c/doc/lh-cpp-readme.txt to doc/)
  This will list the various mappings defined. The bracket specializations for C
are done in ftplugin/c/c_brackets.vim, the core of the definitions beeing done
in plugin/common_brackets.vim.

> I'm not sure where to start.

> Usage like this? runtimepath+=lh-cpp/

You can proceed that way if you wish to isolate the scripts from the suite. You
can also directly expand the archive in your $HOME/.vim/ directory.
You will have to generate the tags for the documentation with
   :helptags ~/.vim/doc
NB: the (incomplete [*]) documentation of the suite is in ftplugin/c/doc/. In
the next release it will be in doc/. You can move it there to access the
documentation even when you are not editing C or C++ files.

[*] the latest additions are not documented yet.

Just a little note: in |lh-cpp-first-steps| I document the core definitions
- the i-mappings to (, {, [, ', " ...
- the abbreviation to if, try, ...

Both won't expand within comment/constant literal string contexts. They will
also insert/append marker/placeholder according to what is expanded.

The abbreviations for if, for, try, ... are done in ftplugin/c/c_set.vim and
Surrounding versions of these abbreviations are also defined. ->
<localleader>if, <localleader><localleader>if, ...
See |C_control-statements| and |C++_control-statements|.

Luc Hermitte

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