Thanks--keepcase.vim is great.  So now with
        :%s/firstname/\=KeepCase(submatch(0), 'LastName')/ig
I can replace all instances of
        firstname with lastname
        firstName with lastName
        FirstName with LastName

But \=KeepCase(submatch(0), '') is a mouthful.
Not a problem; that exact expression does what I'll want 99% of the time, so I've already mapped it to a control-key. And there are other ways to abbreviate.

Still, this seems *such* a useful function in a programmer's editor, it seems worthwhile to build it into the :substitute command as some kind of optional behavior.

How about one of these:

:s/firstname/LastName/k ['k' for keepcase]

:set MaGiC

or some kind of delimiter that can be stuck into a pattern to say "use KeepCase() on this part". OK, I know there aren't many delimiters that are available at this point.

Does this make any sense as a possible future feature?


On Jul 7, 2006, at 4:26 AM, Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 7/7/06, Marshall Abrams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hate to ask this because I'm sure the answer is already out there
somewhere, but I've searched help and until I was blue in the
fingers....  I could swear that I remember from a few years back that
there's a way to do this. Can't remember whether it required something
special in the patterns or some special :set variable or loading a

I want to the replace pattern in a substitution to be able to figure
out whether I want an upper or lower character in the replacement,
depending on whether the search pattern matched an upper or lower
character.  Very useful for substitutions on studlyCaps.

For example, suppose I want to replace all instances of 'first' with
'last' and of 'First' with 'Last'.  Can I do that with a slinge :s///

Try this script:
   keepcase.vim : Functions for doing case-persistant substitutions


Marshall Abrams                                       Programmer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        , LLC
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