Aha, upload scripts and vote. Should not need to search around for reasons to sign up. If someone wants people to sign up to their web site, they should tell them why on the register/info/about page(s), IMHO.

Ta :)

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

- getting an account at vim-online ( http://www.vim.org/ or http://vim.sourceforge.net/ ) : it allows you to upload useful scripts (if you write any) for use by others.

- sponsoring Vim / registering your Vim copy: this allows you to help Bram dedicate more of his time to Vim development. It also allows you to "vote" for new features you'd want to see included.

IIUC the answers to your question can be found by "intelligently browsing" the vim-online site.



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