Cesar Romani wrote:

Please try netrw v102i, available at my website:

 http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#VimFuncs as
 "Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing"

It supports the :Texplore command.  Be sure to remove all netrw
components from /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/plugin (and ../autoload)
first (or from wherever you've put vim 7.0's runtime).

Chip Campbell

I've installed it (version 100) how you've said, but it doesn't recognize
It shows: E492: Not an editor command: Texplore
Many thanks in advance.
Hmm, you didn't take my advice! It was to get the version from my website (v102i), not from vim.sf.net, which currently has v100. I'll update the vim.sf.net version when v102 is ready (and I expect to send it
on to Bram, too).

Chip Campbell

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