On 2006-07-13, JD Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> " Comment out a line by inserting "# " then move to the lower line
> map <F10> i# <Esc>hj
> " Here I try to do the same thing but use the BufEnter event to make the
> comment character
> " change depending on the file type (*.asp). 
> let comment_char="#"
> autocmd BufEnter *.asp let comment_char="'" 
> execute "map <F10> i" . comment_char . " <Esc>hj"
> " But the comment_char variable never seems to see the let assignment in the
> " autocmd statement.  What have I missed here?  Is there a better approach?
> " Thank you.

On 2006-07-13, JD Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks much Hari, 
> I added a space before the <Esc> and your method works nicely.
> map <F1> i<C-R>=comment_char<CR> <Esc>hj

Another approach to this would be to make the mapping local to the 
buffer, e.g.,

    map <F10> i#<Esc>hj
    autocmd BufEnter *.asp map <buffer> <F10> i'<Esc>hj


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Wireless Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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